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The Holy Family

    Merry Christmas! Yesterday, in a very special way, we celebrated the birth of the savior— God becoming man in order to come into our lives and transforms it. This is the time of Jesus’ coming and each coming is different for each one of us. To some He comes when their hearts are saddened by a life that has been taken away, and can be gladdened only by a Life that is given; to others He comes when their hearts are broken , that He might enter in to heal with wings wider than the world; to some he comes when their lives has lost a sense of purpose in order to give a new meaning to it; to some he comes amid the loss of a loved one in order to give them comfort; to others He comes in joy amidst the Venite Adoremus of the angels; but to each and every one  He comes as if He had never come before in His own sweet way, He the Child who is born, He, Jesus the Savior, He Emmanuel” His coming too, not only transform our own lives but also the very own lives of Mary an...

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